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Exploring Hidden Cuisines: Discover the World's Best Kept Street Food Secrets

When you're out exploring new destinations, the local cuisine offers a unique insight into the culture and traditions of the region. Hidden cuisines and lesser-known street foods often provide the most authentic and memorable culinary experiences. Let’s dive into the joy of discovering these hidden culinary gems and how you can enjoy them safely. The Joy of Discovering Hidden Cuisines Exploring hidden cuisines means uncovering unique flavours and dishes that aren't part of the mainstream culinary scene. There's a special thrill in finding a culinary gem, as these experiences often lead to discovering new favourite dishes and creating lasting memories. Personal Experience: Hidden Food Delights in India The Masala Omelet in Mahabaleshwar Let me take you to the mountains of Mahabaleshwar, India. We were lost, searching for Kass: The Plateau of Flowers, when we stumbled upon a tiny roadside shop. The kind shop owner served the best masala omelet I've ever had, accompanied b

10 Hygge Tips for Cozy, Cultural Travels

I first head about hygge form some travellers at a networking event. They had explored Scandinavia and shared how hygge made every place feel like home, easing their travel anxieties. Looking back, I realised I had been practicing hygge n my own way, using little comforts to make new places feel familiar.

During my travels, I've stayed in private hostels, cozy home stays, and Airbnbs in the Philippines and Thailand. In South Africa, cozy rondawels or bushveld chalets were my go-tos. My first Airbnb in India wasn't as expected, but it turned to be one of my best experiences with amazing food and memories.

So here are ten hygge-inspired tips to help you make your travels cozier and more immersive the next time you go exploring.

1. Create a Cozy Travel Kit

I know it sounds weird, but I always ack at least one jacket and sweater to make cold nights cozier. My oversized black wool sweater feels like a blanket, perfect for cold airplane rides or chilly spots like Clarens or Drakensberg in South Africa, or Mahabaleshwar and Ghats in India. Comfortable socks, slippers, and sweatpants are must-haves too for stay at home nights in the hotel.

For warmer destinations like the Philippines or Thailand, I pack flip-flops and a flowy sundress for easy, breezy island life.

Feeling comfortable no matter what the weather or terrain can be achieved with preparation, so make sure you pack what you feel comfortable in.

2. Staying in Local Accommodation

Staying in local accommodation instead of high-end resorts offers a richer travel experience. I've had some unforgettable moments in more personal, home-like places. For instance, in Ramsgate, South Africa, I stayed at a beach house with some friends managed by a lovely lady named Erika. She and her husband joined us for a night of excellent South African wine and beer,  alongside fresh calamari and snoek on the braai and deep conversations with the Indian Ocean crashing in the background. It felt so homey and authentic, like I was hanging out with lifelong friends yet I had only just met them.

In Thailand, my partner and I found a charming homestay in Bang Kachao during Christmas. The house floated on a pond, with glass windows and a private garden. Local food was just a short walk away with Fresh Thai food and locals who just want to know where you are from and if you enjoyed their food, eager to make you seconds.
Mahabaleshwar, India
Mahabaleshwar, India (Airbnb view)
In Mahabaleshwar, India, we stayed in an Airbnb high in the mountains. Although it didn't quite match the pictures, the workers living on the grounds made us feel welcome and at home with a feast. Delicious Maggi instant noodles made the Indian way, an assortment of chicken curries, fresh naan, and warm chai to sooth our full bellies. 

Choosing local accommodations helps you connect with the culture and people, creating warm, lasting memories. It's wonderful way to make your travels more immersive and cozy.

3. Slow Down and Savour the Moment

I used to plan every detail of my trips, rushing to see every tourist site and collect all the souvenirs. But those moments are a blur now. The times I remember and enjoyed the most were when I slowed down and smelt the roses. 

Once, we were leaving the mountains of Mahabaleshwar, India, planning to visit a market. Instead, we met travellers heading to Kaas to the see the famous flower plateau. We ended up stopping for n unexpected breakfast with an old man who ran a shabby guesthouse. He served the best masala omelette with crispy corn chips and freshly made spicy chutney. I may have sneaked in a delicious Vada Pao because the food was just so good with the beautiful view. He showed us a stunning lookout behind his guesthouse, overlooking a massive valley. We never made it to the market or Kaas, but we met amazing people, ate delicious food and saw endless hills with windmills and beautiful landscapes. 

Sometimes, the best memories are made when you slow down and savour the unexpected moments along the way.

4. Embrace Nature

The island life in Thailand feels like a tropical dream with lush jungles and the fresh ocean breeze. But my favourite nature experience was attending a wedding high up in the mountains near Venda, South Africa. We stayed on a small farm surrounded by bushveld. One day, we visited a local waterfall near The Holy Forest, had a picnic, a few beers, and the best nap of my life under a tree with the waterfall in the background. I felt like I was back home taking a nap on my couch. We ended the day with a through drive through the Holy Forest and seeing Limpopo's natural beauty was unforgettable. 

Taking a moment to embrace nature can be incredibly helps you disconnect form daily stress and truly appreciate the beauty around you. Whether it's the ocean breeze in Thailand or a waterfall in South Africa, these natural moments can make your travels even more special. make time for nature and refresh your spirit.

5. Engage in local traditions

One of my most memorable experiences was while volunteering in rural Khon Kaen, Thailand. We were invited to the headmaster's birthday in a nearby village. Riding in the back of a school songthaew with friendly locals, drinking beer, and enjoying the lush scenery along the way was just the start.

The event was filled with fresh Thai food, especially plenty of Isan dishes, traditional Thai flute music, and dancing. Did you know you tip everyone who dances or sings karaoke at Thai birthdays? I didn't, but it made the night even more fun. I left with memories, new friends, and a full belly with some new cash in my wallet.

Seeking out real moment with locals can offer deep connections and unforgettable experiences. Don't miss the chance to engage in local traditions and make your travels truly special.

A Songthaew in Khon Kaen, Thailand

6. Cook Local Dishes

When I first started traveling, I often relied on convenience foods like the famous 7/11 toasted sandwiches in Thailand. But s I travelled more, I realised the importance of eating healthy. Cooking local food became a great way to save money and learn new things.

A typical Thai dinner party
I recently began making Panang Curry, a Southern Thai curry dish, and now it's a weekly feature in my kitchen. Cooking local dishes helps you appreciate the flavours and effort that go into street food. Thai and Indian cuisines are some the most flavourful food I've eaten and cooked.

Try cooking local dishes to deepen your cultural experience and enjoy amazing flavours!

7. Practice Mindfulness

I've recent started practicing mindfulness, and it's been a game-changer for homesickness and stress. When I feel low, I take a deep breath, look around, and list my accomplishments. Sure, I've had my setbacks, but recognising my achievements and privileges makes me feel at home wherever I am.

incorporating mindfulness into your travels can help you stay present, appreciate your surroundings, and find comfort in the moment. It's simple yet powerful way to bring a sense of hygge to your journey.

"The world is a place where the extraordinary can sit beside the ordinary with the thinnest of boundaries." - Jodi Picoult

8. Create Meaningful Connections

If there's one thing I have learned, it's that I have a friend in every country I've visited. Throughout my travels, I've met amazing people who have become like family. These connections bring joy and support when stormy clouds gather along the way.

I carry with me the stories of those I've met, and thinking about them makes me smile. they've enriched my life and provided a sense of belonging, making new countries feel more like home. Building meaningful connections can transform your travel experience and create lasting friendships worldwide.

The first group photo I took in Thailand

9. Keep a Travel Journal

I know it sounds cliché, but keeping a ravel journal is truly worth it. I have a leather journal gifted by a dear friend before I left home, filled with endless memories and experiences. It's like a timeline, showing how travel has changed me physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Writing in my journal helps me appreciate my journey and growth. I see how I've overcome challenges and made new places feel like home. It's a wonderful hygge practice that brings comfort and reflection to your travels.

10. Find Cozy Spots

Everyone's cozy spot is different. I love the quiet moments in Mahabaleshwar, India, the rural jungles of Khon Kaen, Thailand or the lush bushveld of Limpopo, South Africa. You might prefer the bustling Khao San Road in Bangkok, late night-partying on Koh Samui, or the vibrant streets of Mumbai.

White Sands, Koh Lanta, Thailand
To find your cozy spot, explore and see what makes you feel at ease. Whether it's a hammock on the beach with a banana smoothie or a lively karaoke bar, discovering your safe zone will make your travels more comfortable and enjoyable. Some of my favourite spots were found on roads less travelled and lesser known places in the shadows of more famous tourist sights.

Final Thoughts

Incorporating hygge into my travels has allowed me to appreciate each journey on a deeper level. By slowing down and connecting with the places I visit, I've relieved much of the stress that used to come with feeling like I had to see every famous landmark before the world swallows it up. Instead, I've found beauty in the simple, authentic experiences.

Home is now wherever I choose to make it. My advice to fellow travellers is to let go of your expectations. Things may go wrong, but do not let that define your trip. Open your heart to new experiences, make yourself comfortable in the unknown, and always stay safe. enjoy the journey for what it is, and you'll find joy and meaning in every moment.
