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Exploring Hidden Cuisines: Discover the World's Best Kept Street Food Secrets

When you're out exploring new destinations, the local cuisine offers a unique insight into the culture and traditions of the region. Hidden cuisines and lesser-known street foods often provide the most authentic and memorable culinary experiences. Let’s dive into the joy of discovering these hidden culinary gems and how you can enjoy them safely.

The Joy of Discovering Hidden Cuisines

Exploring hidden cuisines means uncovering unique flavours and dishes that aren't part of the mainstream culinary scene. There's a special thrill in finding a culinary gem, as these experiences often lead to discovering new favourite dishes and creating lasting memories.

Personal Experience: Hidden Food Delights in India

The Masala Omelet in Mahabaleshwar

Let me take you to the mountains of Mahabaleshwar, India. We were lost, searching for Kass: The Plateau of Flowers, when we stumbled upon a tiny roadside shop. The kind shop owner served the best masala omelet I've ever had, accompanied by mouth-watering chutney. After our delicious breakfast, he invited us to his backyard, revealing a stunning cliff overlooking the valley—a truly unforgettable experience.

The Cultural Insight

This hidden gem offered more than just delicious food; it provided a glimpse into the local culture and hospitality. The simple, yet flavorful dish, combined with the breathtaking view and the friendly interaction with the shop owner, made this a memorable cultural experience.

Pune, India

Unveiling Thailand’s Best Kept Food Secrets

Baan Baan BangKachao Restaurant

Now, let’s head over to Bang KaChao, the green lung of Bangkok. There, I discovered Baan Baan BangKachao, a family-owned restaurant and guesthouse. In Thai, “Baan” means home, and this place truly lives up to its name. With its rustic decor and homely atmosphere, it made me feel right at home. They served some of the best Thai food I’ve ever had, including Tom Yum Kung, a beloved Thai red curry soup with succulent prawns. We enjoyed a feast done in the Thai family style, filling our bellies to the brim.

The Cultural Feast

Eating at Baan Baan BangKachao was more than just a meal; it was a cultural experience. The family-style dining allowed us to share stories and laughter, highlighting the importance of food in bringing people together and enhancing conversations.

Hidden Culinary Gems in South Africa

Sunday Drives in the Magalies

South Africa might not be known for street food, but it has plenty of hidden culinary gems. In the Magalies, a mountain range near Pretoria and Johannesburg, I found some of the best food during Sunday drives. These drives attract luxury and exotic sports cars and motorbikes, with many places opening early to accommodate these drivers. Enjoying an ice-cold pint at the local brewery while overlooking the mountain range was a delightful experience.

Magaliesburg, South Africa

South African Food Adventures

South Africa is a treasure trove of diverse local foods. From traditional boerewors rolls to the rich and spicy bunny chow, there's always something new and exciting to discover around every corner. The variety of hidden gems in South Africa ensures that every culinary adventure is unique and memorable.

Other Memorable Food Experiences

Roadside Bakeries in Manila, Philippines

In Manila, the Philippines, I discovered cute little bakeries on the side of the road serving the freshest pastries and food. Despite visiting during the COVID-19 pandemic, when many places were closed, the experience left me wanting to return and fully explore the country’s culinary delights.

Cultural Enrichment Through Food

Food serves as a gateway to understanding local cultures. Each dish tells a story about the people, their history, and their traditions. Sharing a meal with locals and hearing their stories adds a new flavor to the food, transforming a simple meal into a cherished memory.

BGC, Manila, Philippines

Practical Tips for Trying New Foods Safely

Introducing Your Gut to New Foods

To avoid food poisoning, start with local fruits and light meals to gradually introduce your gut to the local microbiota. This helps in building tolerance to the new environment’s food.

Precautions to Avoid Food Poisoning

Begin by eating at places that look clean and safe before diving into street food. In India, starting with dosas helped me transition to street food, eventually enjoying vada pav from roadside vendors. In Thailand, it’s essential to manage the spice levels. Start with mild dishes and gradually increase the heat to acclimate your palate.

Recommendations for Hidden Food Spots


In Southern Mumbai, try Mao Family Restaurant for the best kepsa. Don't miss out on my favorite dessert, Kulfi Falooda.


Visit the Srinagarindra Train Market for some of the best Thai street food. My personal favorite is Leng Zaab, a spicy, garlicky pork bone soup.

South Africa

Enjoy boerewors rolls sold outside major supermarkets or local butcher shops, and don't miss an authentic bunny chow or gatsby in Durban.

Embracing New Culinary Experiences

Overcoming food hesitations can lead to discovering amazing new flavors and dishes. I used to avoid chilies and tomatoes but now, I’m always on the lookout for the next culinary adventure. Make sure to have a plan for potential food poisoning and stay hydrated and well-rested to enjoy your culinary journey fully.

Exploring hidden cuisines offers a unique and enriching way to experience new cultures. These culinary adventures provide not only delicious food but also unforgettable memories and stories. Don’t hesitate to try new foods and immerse yourself in the local culinary scene.


  • What are some tips for finding hidden food gems while traveling? 
    • Research local recommendations, explore less-touristy areas, and ask locals for their favorite spots.
  • How can I avoid food poisoning when trying street food? 
    • Start with fruits and light meals, choose clean-looking vendors, and gradually introduce new foods to your diet.
  • What are some must-try hidden foods in India, Thailand, and South Africa? 
    • In India, try the masala omelet in Mahabaleshwar; in Thailand, enjoy Tom Yum Kung at Baan Baan BangKachao; and in South Africa, savour boerewors rolls wherever you find a stand.
  • How does exploring local cuisines enhance cultural understanding? 
    • Local cuisines offer insights into the region’s history, traditions, and values, and provide opportunities to connect with locals.
  • What should I do if I get food poisoning while traveling? 
    • Stay hydrated, rest, and seek medical attention if necessary. Having a plan in place can help manage the situation effectively.
